Im Metal mal über den eigenen stilistischen Tellerrand zu schauen, davor schrecken viele Bands etwas zurück. Nicht so Embersland – die Spanier bauen munter alles in ihre Songs ein, was ihnen gefällt, Genre hin oder her. Auf ihrem Debüt-Album Sunrise (zur Review) punkten sie mit handwerklich gut gemachtem Melodic Metal mit Erweiterungen in Richtung Powermetal, Gothic Rock und unzählige andere. Aktuell arbeiten sie an Album Nummer zwei, das im Herbst diesen Jahres erscheinen soll. Grund genug, sie sich hier einmal vorstellen zu lassen:

Who is behind EMBERSLAND?

Will, May, Victor, Jimmy, Dami and Xavi, a group of friends who enjoy playing heavy metal music together, and who hope to change their lives to professional music scene forever!

If you had to put your music into a drawer and print a label on it, what would it say?

Without doubt: OPEN MINDED MELODIC METAL! Everyone in the band has his own musical taste and style preferences, and I think that variety is the most important thing if you want to create an original sound and not just copying any band.I’d say, we got this right with our first album!

How would you describe the sound of EMBERSLAND to a deaf person?

I would describe the sound of Embersland as a mix of symphonic metal, some death and thrash moments, gothic atmosphere, some progressive elements, five different style vocals and all this with one final genuine destination: melody!

Which sort of panic inspires the best songs?

I think behind writing music is only one important thing: to work on it! You can start with a first idea, but if you don’t work on it to get the best and more original result, you will be like many other bands that always are playing the same …

Which instrument will surely NEVER be heard on a EMBERSLAND-album?

No one! We are open to everything in Embersland!

Which record would you want to listen to when you leave the bathroom in the morning, while the beautiful girl from last night is still in your bed?

Maybe some album from my favourites bands: Symphony X, Nightwish, Children of Bodom, Europe, Royal Hunt and of course Embersland! (laughs)

Which song would you be proud of, had you written it?

Maybe „Sunrise“! A song, 17 minutes long, consisting of two parts: „Part I“ closed our first album, and „Part II“ is gonna be the first song of our second album that we are going to record this year. We are really happy with the new songs, and with May on vocals we will reach new horizons in our music for sure!

No alcohol is surely NOT the answer – after which combination of booze will all your problems have dissolved?

Some beers are ok before to get on stage! (laughs)

What shows you that someone is a true friend?

I always say that a true friend is someone who is by your side when he would prefer to be somewhere else.

Who was the hero of your childhood?

My cousin Carlos Torregrosa! He is the best singer ever and always I wished to play in a band with him, he sang at the end of „Sunrise Part I“ and it was amazing to hear his voice for a moment in a song of Embersland!

Are we alone out there?

I don’t know but I don’t really mind. (laughs)

What’s next? Tour? Studio? Vacation? Something completely different?

We start to record our second album in April til July and we hope to get it in September! And after this, it would be so great to find a label and we would love to go playing out of Spain, because the metal scene is dead here!

