Das Projekt Larva wurde 1998 in Spanien durch den Sänger InqUest ins Leben gerufen. In den letzten Jahren erschienen zahlreiche Alben, die in der Szene nicht unentdeckt blieben. Im Februar 2013 waren sie mit Betamorphose und Chemical Sweet Kid in der Garage DeLuxe in München zu sehen und zu hören. Die Musik Larvas ist speziell und ungewöhnlich. Ihre Arbeit am neuen Album unterbrachen sie und erzählten uns, was die Band so eigenartig und anders macht.

Who is behind Larva?
Anoxia: live keyboards, sequences
InqUesT: voices, sequences, lyrics

If you had to put your music into a drawer and print a label on it, what would it say?
Mmmm, we feel very confortable into ‘Dark electro’ label. It’s very generic, so it’s cool for us.

How would you describe the sound of Larva to a deaf person?
An electronic band, full of dark elements. Macabre atmospheres, sometimes melancholics, sometimes aggresives.
Compositions flying away from fashions.

Which sort of panic creates the best songs?
The best moments for us to compose, what ever when we have extreme feelings (sandness, anger, happiness, joy, pleasure, pain).
We are very extremists way of life, so in our music too.
In these moments, all the creativity float.

Which instrument will surely NEVER be heard an a Larva-album?
Mmmm, none.. never say never in this life! Anything able to produce a sound, it’s ok for us.

Which record would you want to listen to when you leave bath in the morning, while the beautiful girl from last night is still in your bed?
Mmmm, it’s different every day. From a very old tecnopop DM ‘Question of lust’ or 80’s like Psychedelic Furs ‘Heartbreak beat’ to IAMX ‘Spit it out’ or yelworC ‘Get vomit’

Which song would you be proud of, had you written it?
A few ones. ‘Eternal sadness ‘ it’s my instrumental favourite, but with voice maybe ‘The hated’

No alcohol is surely NOT the answer – after which combination of booze all your problems will have dissolved?
Mmmmm, i’m and old cat… mainly i only drink beer; and i have a big capaaaaaaaaaaaaacity of drinking beer without lose control
And remember that the problems will be there when all the alcohol had gone.

What shows you a true friend?
I don’t like and trust the ‘true friend’ concept.
I have friends, ones closer than others. But the friendship it’s true in itself (more or less depp, it depends).
But i never forget, that we are humans, and humans are egoists ‘per sé’; so for me this collides with the ‘true friend’ concept.

Who was the hero of your childhood?
In the real world: my parents; for all the things they did in rough times with three children, and for give us all we have.
In my own world: a fiction character; Norman Bates for his eternal fight agains himself; and his complex personality. Representing the eternal duality of the human kind.

Are we alone out there?
Not, i’m sure. Infinite universe; infinite odds.
But all of use are alone in our lives at the end. We born alone, and we die alone.

What’s next? Tour? Studio? Vacation? Something completely different?
Now we are working hard in our next work ‘Where the butterflies go to die’ that will be released in june.
And working in the tour for the reléase, too.
We will visit a lot of cities, and countries.

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1 Kommentar
  1. grausame67maus
    grausame67maus sagte:

    Finde ich toll, schau ich mir gewiss an, mal was anderes. Ich bin schon sehr gespannt

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