Spammerheads sind Ana Escudero und David Garrido – eine Elektro-Band aus Spanien, die sich 2019 gegründet hat. Nach dem Debüt-Album Sound of  spam hat das Duo mit Earth reset im letzten Jahr ein spannendes Konzeptalbum veröffentlicht. Der Sound von Spammerheads ist von den Anfängen der elektronischen Musik beeinflusst und klingt nach analoger Wärme und experimentellem Sounddesign.

In unserem Interview sprechen Ana & David über ihre ersten musikalischen Erinnerungen, das aktuelle Album Earth reset und den Sound von Spammerheads.

Who is behind Spammerheads, and how did the project come into being?
Spammerheads is an electronic music duo, formed by David and Ana, based in Valencia. The project came into being on a night out in Valencia. It was the night we met, we started talking about having an electronic music band together. That was the origin of Spammerheads.

How did your band name come about?
The name came up one day watching Spam, the Monty Python sketch.

Can you tell us a few things about the connection between you two and your journey into music?
Our relationship with music is very close, both as listeners and creators. It is something very important in our life. David has also played in some music bands for twenty years.

Forget about genres for a second – Spammerheads’ music sounds like …?
The sound of Spammerheads is analog, lo-fi and influenced by the beginnings of electronic music. Our sound is linked to our concept, Spammerheads is a DIY project, we write, produce, mix and master our music. We work with analog synthesizers and so far with an analog recording studio. Now we are starting to work with DAW.

What are your first musical memories?
Ana: Family gatherings in which a record was always playing or maybe someone playing guitar or singing.
David: The cassettes of the Spook Factory nightclub sessions that my uncle gave me, a mythical Valencian nightclub from the 80s.

What are you looking for in music?
Keep learning and have fun.

Which person, artist or incident inspired you when you first started to make music ?
Ana: My uncle Kike, who played in some Valencian bands around the mid-80s, bands like El Concepto Gris and Noviembre Rojo. He gave us a synthesizer he no longer used and with which my sister and I had a great time at home. This encouraged me to learn music and I took music theory and piano lessons.
David: My uncle was the person that made me love music. He gave me my first stereo and a bunch of cassettes with amazing bands (The Cramps, Front 242, Ramones, Kraftwerk, Ilegales, A Split Second, The Cure, The Clash …)
This question has made us wonder if we are that cool referent for our nieces and nephews today.

Recently your EP Earth reset came out. How did the writing of Earth reset happen?
We wrote and produced this album during the first lockdown, when the situation was more complicated everywhere. During this period we assumed this work as our personal way of channeling everything that was happening around us.

Which sort of mood produces the best song?
There is no one mood better than others for producing music. The important thing is that, whatever you feel, you are able to express it, because then you will be creating something real.

Which instrument will surely NEVER be heard on a Spammerheads-track?
A priori, we do not reject any instrument. There are no bad instruments, only bad compositions.

Imagine you can choose a movie and put your music in it as a soundtrack. Which movie would you choose?
A lot of movies, but it would be curious to listen to Tunguska, Earth Reset or Weltschmerz in 2001, a Space Odissey.

No alcohol is no solution either. What booze combination will definitely dissolve all your troubles and issues?

What is the most surprising record on your CD/Vinyl-shelf ?
The original first Megabeat maxisingle, Strange.

What are your plans for the near future and what do you wish for?
We have just released our album Sound of spam on cassette with the Dutch label Fix Recordings. It is available on the label’s bandcamp. We are now producing new material for our next album. Our plan is to keep creating and enjoying. Something that we would like very much is to see our work realised on vinyl.


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