Diese Woche wollen wir euch die slowakische Künstlerin LeRa vorstellen, die bald mit ihrem Debutalbum Bird’s Eye View am Start ist. Sie bringt ein buntes Potpourri aus der Rock- und Metalwelt zusammen. Sie hat sich unseren neugierigen Fragen gestellt.

Who is behind LeRa?
I’m LeRa. Singer and leader of my band. At first we were called LeRa & the BEaST, but I decided to work on my music only under my stage name LeRa which is also how I am addressed by everyone. I have been in the entertainment industry both in music and acting since my childhood. I produce rock music, hard rock and experimental pop rock. I write my own songs, with the hope of sharing my thoughts and feelings with my fans. On 10th September I am going to release my new album Bird’s Eye View.

If you had to put your music into a drawer and print a label on it, what would it say?
Rock. Provocative. Mine. Love.

Forget about genres for a second – LeRa’s music sounds like …?
I can’t compare my music to any well-known band. We weren’t even inspired by anyone to create songs. It just happened. And recorded. There are ten songs on my album and each one is different in its own way. On the album Bird’s eye view you will find elements of hard rock, heavy metal, pop, electro rock, classic rock ballad and absolute flights. For me, my album is a combination of me, situations in my life and currently in the world, my protest, my desires and my outlook on life. Let’s call it a strong female personal musical statement. Me, Myself and I.

Which sort of mood produces the best songs?
Those overexposed! Generally, when something excites me, injustice kicks me hard, infuriates me and tears into my heart. Basically, when lightning strikes I am awakened. Taking my paper, pen and the rest is in my music.

Which instrument will surely NEVER be heard on a LeRa’s album?
Good question. *smile* There are so many instruments in the world and we in our studio really like to experiment with sounds, so I can’t say for sure that any instrument could never appear in my work. On the contrary, the more new musical possibilities, the more interesting arrangements and sounds.

Which record would you want to listen to when you leave the bathroom in the morning, while the handsome guy from last night is still in your bed?
Definitely „Catwalk“. And maybe „I’m Ok“. I hope not the song „I Need to Hate You“ or „Last Day“ *smile*. But really, my cats and my dogs are mostly in my bed, so it doesn’t really matter what kind of music I listen to after my shower.

The Fairy-Godmother pops up in front of you and grants you a wish. What do you wish for?
For me, health is the most important thing in life, because the quality of life derives from it. I definitely want success because I’m very ambitious. Applause, the energy of the audience, atmosphere at concerts… I just love that lifestyle. And I am also convinced that life is more beautiful with love. Real love!

No alcohol is no solution either. What booze combination will definitely dissolve all your troubles and issues?
Borovička and Beer.

What shows you that someone is a true friend?
Loyalty! The word speaks for itself …

Who was the hero of your childhood?
I have never really had heroes because heroes come and go. I appreciate infinitely my father. He is the best. In music, when I was younger, I was especially influenced by Michael Jackson. Later I adored Nirvana, System of a Down, Foo Fighters, Bring me the Horizon … I would like to be my own hero☺.

What is the most embarrassing/surprising record in your CD-shelf?
I have a collection of really bizarre CDs. About 3000 pieces and really all styles. Include my old records. Some of them I can’t listen to again.

What’s next? Tour? Studio? Vacation? Something completely different?
I am totally excited with my album Bird’s eye view. I give maximum attention to my music, recording and also to the clients in my own recording studio. I have already had a few performances and I have a few planned, but it can’t be compared to my full diary as it was before the start of the pandemic.
I hope we will return to normal very soon and I will have a lot of opportunities to concert live.

LeRa socials:

Website: www.lera.sk

YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/LeRaofficial

Spotify: http://bit.ly/leramusic

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lera_music/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leramusicofficial

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeRaofficial44
