Zurück in die 90er! 2019 gründete Joe Bos (Satyricon) ein eigenes Projekt – Dead Eyed Creek. Die Musik ist ein Mix aus 90er-Rock, düsteren Klängen und fetten Riffs. Derzeit wird fleißig an dem Debütalbum geschraubt, Joe hat sich aber freundlicherweise Zeit für unsere Fragen genommen.

Who is behind Dead Eyed Creek?
Dead Eyed Creek was founded by me back in 2019. I had lots of ideas in my head with the problem that I actually didn’t play guitar at all. So what I did is that I just started practicing to be able to play what I had to say. It was a pretty intense and somewhat insane process but I’m so happy I did it. The line up of the band has changed several times along the way but everyone who has been involved ever since I started has helped a lot to shape the sound of the band and I’m very grateful for everyone who has been a part of it. We now have found the best line up I could have wished for with incredibly talented musicians and world class people! We are a tight group of friends and we all sharethe same vision and goals. So, we have the super talented Icelandic singer Einar Vilberg on vocals. He has been doing some outstanding solo records and back in 2016 he was even approached by Stone Temple Pilots to audition after Scott Weiland’s tragic passing. He ended up being one of the top finalists. On drums we have Norman Lonhard, who’s been a long time friend and one of the bestdrummers I’ve ever heard! On bass is my good friend and fellow Dutch man Max Blok.

If you had to put your music into a drawer and print a label on it, what would it say?
Rock with a dark twist.

Forget about genres for a second – Dead Eyed Creek’s music sounds like …?
I see Dead Eyed Creek’s music as a heavy sledgehammer hitting you in the face while looking at a clear-sky star night. Like many things in life, writing music, to me, is all about contrast. Dark andbright are two aspects that can be found in our songs a lot.

Which sort of mood produces the best songs?
That can vary of course but I’d go with feeling strength and feeling powerful. At least that usually works for me. I have always struggled a lot with my moods throughout my life, up and down but always up again. To be able to always crawl back up again is a very magical and empowering thing and can inspire a lot. We all fail sometimes and we all go through things in life but the magic happens when you’re able to get up and come out better.

Which instrument will surely NEVER be heard on a Dead Eyed Creek-album?
Well … you certainly will never hear bagpipes in our music … hahaha …

Which record would you want to listen to when you leave the bathroom in the morning, while the very attractive last night’s company is still in your bed?
Jagged Little Pill by Alanis Morissette.

The Fairy-Godmother pops up in front of you and grants you a wish. What do you wish for?
I’d wish guaranteed health and happiness for all my friends and family.

No alcohol is no solution either. What booze combination will definitely dissolve all your troubles and issues?
A liter of Caipirinha

What shows you that someone is a true friend?
A true friend to me is someone who sticks with you no matter what, someone who isn’t there only for the good times, but can also accompany you in the hard times. Someone who can sense what you’re going through and someone who reaches out.

Tadrart Acacus

Who was the hero of your childhood?
My first childhood hero was definitely Kurt Cobain. It started with borrowing some of my mother´s Nirvana cassettes when I was nine or ten. I was so blown away by the energy of that music and listened to it over and over again. I started reading a lot about who this guy was and I guess I felt very connected to someone I’d never met, which is the magic of music.

What is the most embarrassing/surprising record in your CD-shelf?
Well … I did have a thing or two for J. Lo when I was a kid…

What’s next? Tour? Studio? Vacation? Something completely different?
It’s festival season right now so I’m traveling a lot, doing shows all over Europe. In the meantime we are working very hard on getting Dead Eyed Creek out there, releasing some singles, some photoshoots, video shoots and so on. Will visit my family in the Netherlands in July and will go on much needed vacation later in August.


