Hello Buffalo is calling! Hearts & Hand Grenades beschreiben ihren Sound als „New Modern Rock“. Klingt spannend – finden wir auch, Sängerin Stephanie hat sich unseren Fragen gestellt.

Who is behind Hearts & Hand Grenades?
Stephanie Wlosinski – Lead Vocals/Bass Guitar
Mike Bress – Rhythm Guitar/Keys
Kenny Blesy – Lead Guitar
Tom Lafferty – Drums

If you had to put your music into a drawer and print a label on it, what would it say?

Which instrument will surely NEVER be heard on a Hearts & Hand Grenades album?
A mandolin!

Which record would you want to listen to when you leave the bathroom in the morning, while the beautiful girl/handsome guy from last night is still in your bed?
How about some Green DayDookie.

The Fairy-Godmother pops up in front of you and grants you a wish. What do you wish for?
I would wish for a mega stash of Warwick basses! All long scale and in a variety of colors!

What booze combination will definitely dissolve all your troubles and issues? No alcohol is no solution either.
I would take all of the Oatmeal Stout’s that I could get my hands on! I’m not a hard liquor person so beer please!

What shows you that someone is a true friend?
A true friend is someone that you can make a complete idiot of yourself in front of and they laugh at you AND with you. Of course being able to have a mutual trust is very important as well.

Who was the hero of your childhood?
My childhood was full of horror movies. A hero of mine was definitely Bruce Campbell for the Evil Dead trilogy.

What is the most embarrassing/surprising record in your CD-shelf?
I’m not really embarrassed by any albums I have; I figure I like what I like and I don’t care if someone else doesn’t agree with it. A surprising album(s) though might be my collection MUSE albums. I have all of them and I’m a huge fan!

What’s next? Tour? Studio? Vacation? Something completely different?
We just wrapped up our first leg of ‘The Safe Space’ tour with Smile Empty Soul, and we will be going on the second leg of that tour in August. We have our second album coming out at the end of 2021, and we will be releasing some new singles leading up to that starting in July. There is plenty more on the horizon as far as new music from us and we will be releasing some new music videos for those singles as well.

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