
photo by Sandra Jensen

Substaat existiert seit nunmehr sieben Jahren, die Musiker rund um Frontmann Terje Vangbo kommen aus Oslo. Anlässlich des Dark Munich Festivals vom 30. April bis 3. Mai 2015 treten sie in München auf, zur Einstimmung haben sie sich aber trotzdem die Zeit genommen, unsere Fragen zu beantworten:

Who is behind Substaat?
Terje Vangbo (vocals), Jarle Hansen (synth/programming) and Petter Norstrøm (studio only) are Substaat.

If you had to put your music into a drawer and print a label on it, what would it say?
We try not to limit our music into a specific genre, but trying to be free to make the music we like ourself, but „moody, energic and danceable tunes“ would be a suitable label. At least that is what we aim for.

In May 2015 you will visit Munich for the Dark Munich Festival. What do you know about Munich and the Bavarian audience?
We have played at Backstage and Garage de Luxe a couple of times before, with very good feedback from the audience!

Have you ever visited the Bavarian capital? And if so, what stuck in your memory? Which sights or attractions would you like to see or can you recommend to your colleagues and visitors of DMF?
In addition to the nice people, we really love the beer and the food!
(You folks know how to party!!)

What can we expect from your gig at DMF?
We haven’t yet decided which songs to play, but you can at least expect some really catchy songs from our lates album „Macht“, some good old EBM tunes. In general; „a good show“!

What will be next for you: Tour? Recording? Time off? Or rather something completely different?
There are a couple more concerts/festivals ahead, but we have been touring a lot, so pretty soon it is time to make some more music.

Thank you for the interview! Any final words you want to tell your fans in Bavaria?
We will be playing at DMF on stage 2 on Thursday (Donnerstag) at 18:05. Be there! – You won’t regret it!

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