
Spiral69 wurde 1992 aus der Taufe gehoben, die Musiker rund um Frontmann Riccardo Sabetti kommen aus Rom. Anlässlich des Dark Munich Festivals vom 30. April bis 3. Mai 2015 treten sie in München auf, zur Einstimmung haben sie sich aber trotzdem die Zeit genommen, unsere Fragen zu beantworten:

Who is behind Spiral69?
Spiral69 is a trio formed by Riccardo Sabetti (former bassist of Argine), Andrea Freda (former drummer of Spiritual Front) and Enzo Russo (guitarist and producer very famous in Italy).

If you had to put your music into a drawer and print a label on it, what would it say?
„No restrictions, let us express“.

In May 2015 you will visit Munich for the Dark Munich Festival. What do you know about Munich and the Bavarian audience?
It is the first time that we perform in Munich, we are really excited about it! We know the DMF is a very important Festival and a great opportunity for us to show us to the Bavarian audience.

Have you ever visited the Bavarian capital? And if so, what stuck in your memory? Which sights or attractions would you like to see or can you recommend to your colleagues and visitors of DMF?
I was only once in Munich for a convention … I remember a beautiful regal atmosphere … and excellent beer … but unfortunately I could not really visit the attractions of the city! We will take the opportunity of this next short stay to discover it for good!


What can we expect from your gig at DMF?
A great gig, very energetic and powerful, forty minutes of tension and emotions. We will give our best and we expect the best.

What will be next for you: Tour? Recording? Time off? Or rather something completely different?
We’re in the studio to record our new album … and in March we will publish a single titled „Exile of the Heart,“ with the very special guest of Steve Hewitt from Placebo on drums, waiting to release the new album in the spring … Meanwhile our live performances will not stop, we will participate in some festivals during summer!

Thank you for the interview! Any final words you want to tell your fans in Bavaria?
Hey boys and girls! We are waiting for many of you at the DMF to join the Spiral69!




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„When The Angles Leave“

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„Best Porno“

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