
Leæther Strip existiert seit nunmehr 26 Jahren, Claus Larsen kommt aus Dänemark. Seit März ist die Band auf Tournee, anlässlich des Dark Munich Festivals vom 30. April bis 3. Mai 2015 treten sie in München auf. Zur Einstimmung hat sich Claus aber trotzdem die Zeit genommen, unsere Fragen zu beantworten:

Who is behind Leæther Strip?
Claus: Leæther Strip is a one man band, but live we are two people on stage. My husband Kurt plays the keyboards when we play live. Kurt is also a very important part of the history of Leæther Strip, without him to push me forward and support me over the years I wouldn’t be in the music business anymore. I’ve been composing songs since I was 14 and formed Leæther Strip in 88, and my first release was in 1989.

If you had to put your music into a drawer and print a label on it, what would it say?
Claus: My life in music.

In May 2015 you will visit Munich for the Dark Munich Festival. What do you know about Munich and the Bavarian audience?
Claus: We have played the Dark Munich Festival two years already and it’s one of the best festivals we’ve played at. There is a really nice calm atmosphere and we as musicians aren’t hidden away in some backstage room. We move around and chat with friends and fans all day. We are also good friends with sweet Mucky and his beautiful wife Apollonia. So it really feels like a family party. We are so happy to get to play there again this year. We always had great audiences when we played in and around Munich, they seem to want to be a part of the show and not just the spectators, and that’s very important for us and gives us tons of energy to perform our absolute best.


Have you ever visited the Bavarian capital? And if so, what stuck in your memory? Which sights or attractions would you like to see or can you recommend to your colleagues and visitors of DMF?
Claus: We don’t really know much about the city, all we know is that there are many excellent restaurants and beautiful parks. The sad part about touring is that we only get a glimpse of the city we play in.
Hopefully we will get to visit and see more in the future. I hear there are some good places to fish too, one of my hobbies.

What can we expect from your gig at DMF?
Claus: You can expect an energy attack and a really powerful set with our most popular songs from the past 26 years. Bavarians like it the hard way, and that they will get.

What will be next for you: Tour? Recording? Time off? Or rather something completely different?
Claus: We start our spring tour in the end of March and that will continue up until June, so we got lots to plan and do. I am also working on the next Leæther Strip album and doing a lot of remixing and mixing for other bands too. No time to be lazy in the next months.

Thank you for the interview! Any final words you want to tell your fans in Bavaria?
Claus: Thank you for the interest, and as always I wan’t to thank all the listeners for your support over the many years. Not many bands can brag about a 26 year history, but that is only possible because of your support. I am living my dream. Love you tons!

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