Kürzlich haben wir Xerxes The Dark (hier) und Kill Shelter (hier) nach dem Sound der letzten Dekade gefragt und einen spannenden Rückblick auf die Entwicklung der Dark Ambient- und Post-Punk-Szene der letzten Jahre erhalten. Mit der gleichen Frage begeben wir uns in dieser Interview-Serie in die musikalische Welt von Black Nail Cabaret.

(Foto: Katalin Vago-Levai)

Seit 2008 kreiert das ungarische Duo einen sehr delikaten und dunklen Pop Noir-Sound. Krisztian Arvai arrangiert magische  Klänge aus verzweigter Elektronik, die den kraftvollen und rauchig schwülen Gesang von Emese Arvai-Illes wunderbar umweben. 

Die aktuelle Veröffentlichung Gods verging on sanity ist der fünfte Longplayer der Band und enthält zahlreiche Dark Pop-Perlen, die durch großartige Melodien glänzen. Black Nail Cabaret zeigen hier eindrucksvoll ihre musikalische Bandbreite. Oft eindringlich – die Tracks sind voller Emotionen und Sehnsucht – verführerisch und düster, mit einem kraftvollen, tiefen Farbton und vielfältigen Genrefarben in den einzelnen Kompositionen. Das Album ist wundervoll arrangiert und bietet ein Klangerlebnis mit Ecken, Kanten und tiefen Spuren;  dazu Emeses eindringlicher Gesang, der alles zusammenhält. Mit Gods verging on sanity präsentieren uns Black Nail Cabaret den Soundtrack für die neue Dekade!

In unserem Interview spricht Sängerin Emese über ihre Lieblingsklänge, Top-Alben der letzten Dekade und ihre Gedanken zur Entwicklung der Musikszene der letzten Jahre. 

My taste in music…
… has been going through plenty of changes in the last ten years. At the beginning of the decade I was more focussed on synth pop and dark wave, then I opened up to jazz, blues and experimental trip-hop. Right now I’m mostly into dark or ethnic techno and folk music, Asian or African. I also let in some pop influence like I always did in my life.

What instantly comes to my mind about the sound of the past decade is how overpolished pop music became. It is hard to find gems but there are gems.

It is so difficult for me to pick just one piece of music or album of the past decade that I recommend listening to. Let me just list a few songs that had a great influence on me or I just simply listened the hell out them: David Bowie‘s „Blackstar“, anything from Andy Stott, Zola Jesus’ „Night“, Miley Cyrus’ „Mother’s daughter“, Ic3peak’s „Quartz“, M.I.A.’s „Born free“, Deru’s album 1979, and I could go on…

(Foto: Richard Besenczi)

Our music is a tap which is constantly open,…
… and what comes out forms into something that we don’t necessarily understand or have full control of, and it is connecting with people. It captures moments. It is from darkness but towards the light. It’s a hybrid. It is genuine.
I think we are trying to erase boundaries. I am looking for sincerity. Style or genre doesn’t really matter to me. I am looking for a hook that grabs me so I listen to it over and over again for weeks.

Outside the stage /studio…
… I am a twelf year old trapped in an adult body, trying to figure stuff out and find some joy. I like cats. I like DIY costumes, makeup, home decor etc. I read a lot. Krisztian is rarely out of the studio. He is teaching music production and sound design for young people here at a local talent centre.

Looking back…
… In the first few years we were basically just testing what we are capable of. I mostly used softwares, didn’t experiment much, I was trying to sort of follow some rules. I didn’t have the tools yet to go further. My English wasn’t very good either, it was harder to express myself, but the craving to do so was very strong. Freedom came gradually, and I think the key was that I am no longer afraid of what people will think. I embraced the thought that we can really do whatever we want musically. I am still not quite there yet but the road is getting paved.
Today there is a lot of experimental stuff but we also witnessed a revival of some old school music, like coldwave or classic darkwave. What I see that, in general, the scene has opened up more and different styles now leaked into gothic festivals and clubs, that aren’t necessarily typically dark, but somehow still fit in to the lineup nicely. I like that!

Now that we have to spend our time in isolation this year…
… we are probably going to start working on the new album, but we don’t plan the release just yet. First we want to properly tour with the last album. We are working on plans of new music videos for songs taken from Gods verging on sanity, and we are probably going to do some more live streams as well, maybe some improv sessions or something. We also have some collaborations in the pipeline.

We wish for…
… more sex to the world.


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