Ruby Lustre ist das Darkwave-Synth–Projekt von Liza (Gesang) und Devon (Gitarre/Bass). Kürzlich haben sie ihre  großartige Single „Have it all“  veröffentlicht – düster elektronische und melodische Klänge, die sofort fesseln. Mit ihrer Musik kreieren Ruby Lustre eine leidenschaftliche  Mischung aus Darkwave und Coldwave mit industriellen Untertönen, die  kalt und verführerisch klingt. Neues Material ist bereits in Planung. Wir sind gespannt und freuen uns darauf! Sängerin Liza hat unsere Fragen beantwortet.


Ruby Lustre

How did the project come into being? What made you decide to start Ruby Lustre?
The project came into being between my band mate and I during the height of the pandemic. We had been in a band before together a long time ago in LA but decided to finally start one up again during that time. Just seemed like a good moment to start fresh.

Can you tell us a few things about the connection between you two and your journey into the music?
Devon and I met in Southern California a couple decades ago. I answered an ad for a singer for a goth band we started called Necrodolly. We played in that for a while and it eventually disbanded. But during that time we started dating and eventually stayed together until recently. But we are still okay together in our current band Ruby Lustre. Devon had been playing guitar since he was a kid, he taught himself to play and has been in many bands over the years. I started my music journey through musicals as a teenager and writing poetry and listening to my dad play drums as a kid.

If you had to describe your music in terms of not music … what would you say?
Hmmm … good question. How about eclectic, danceable, sexy noise?

What are your first musical memories? When did you first fall in love with sound?
For me, it was my dad playing drums and my mom playing her jazz/soul music around the house. For Devon, I can’t say for sure. I fell in love with sound early. Music has always been a part of my life. I know Devon was heavily influenced by Jimi Hendrix early on.


© Musical Arcana (Foto 1 und 3)

What are you looking for in music?
Always looking for something that makes us move and feel.

Which person, artist or incident inspired you when you first started making music?
For me, it was The Cure and Depeche Mode. For Devon, probably Jimi, Smashing Pumpkins and Meat Puppets.

What is the most surprising record on your CD-/Vinyl-shelf?
I don’t know, maybe all my world music?

What impact do your surroundings have on your art? Which sort of mood produces the best song?
We are both pretty witchy, so for me, an artsy, soulful, witchy environment helps. And moodiness is the impetus for creation.

What can you tell us about your new song „Have it all“? How does the birth of a new composition happen for you? How does your compositional process work?
The song was inspired by the darkwave scene, and new beginnings. Devon wrote the song, I wrote the lyrics and melodies. Sometimes we will write together, sometimes he writes something and then I add to it.

Which instrument will surely NEVER be heard on a Ruby Lustre track?
Hmm … maybe a trumpet, lol??? But who can say?!

How does the visual aspect relate to and reflect your music? How would you describe the world you are trying to create during your performances?
The visual aspect of the cover or our shows? We like anything dark, sexy, with a memorable image that grabs you right off the bat. As far as stage performance, it’s all about creating a vibe. Calling in a dark mood and expressing your creative power with hopefully a lot of sex appeal.

What’s next for you? What are you most looking forward to?
I think we are going to concentrate on writing some more new material soon.

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