
Nein – wir haben diese Woche KEINE Piraten-Folk-Band für euch. Denn wer bei dem Bandnamen Captain Black Beard an sowas dachte, hat sich geschnitten. Das Quartett aus Stockholm fabriziert „Melodic kick-ass rock“. Bassist Robert hat unsere Fragen beantwortet.

Who is behind Captain Black Beard?
Well, it’s me, Robert Majd, on bass. Then there’s Christian Ek on guitar. We recently got Sebastian Qvarfordt on drums and our new lead singer is Liv Hansson.

If you had to put your music into a drawer and print a label on it, what would it say?
„Robert’s music drawer“ … haha, just kidding. We like to call our music „melodic kick-ass rock“.

Forget about genres for a second – Captain Black Beard’s music sounds like …?
A mix between KISS and Journey perhaps? We like to mix old school rock’n’roll with melodic rock of the 80s and then get some modern influences as well.


Which sort of mood produces the best songs?
Happy! At least for me. A lot of people say that they are most creative when they are feeling blue. That’s not the case for me. Although the mood is sometimes a bit irrelevant. Long as you work hard, the good songs will come.

Which instrument will surely NEVER be heard on a Captain Black Beard-album?
Bagpipe? I’m a fan of the phrase „never say never“ so I guess that if it fits the song, then pretty much any instrument might have a shot.

Which record would you want to listen to when you leave the bathroom in the morning, while the beautiful girl/handsome boy from last night is still in your bed?
„Painkiller“ by Judas Priest usually wakes me up in a good way.

The Fairy-Godmother pops up in front of you and grants you a wish. What do you wish for?
I guess the rock’n’roll-answer would be… a bag of coke and a blow job. However, I’m old enough to know that nothing beats good health. So there you go …

No alcohol is no solution either. What booze combination will definitely dissolve all your troubles and issues?
If I can get a cold Czech lager, then I’m all set … That is until I finish it, at which point I’ll need another one.

What shows you that someone is a true friend?
They run to the record store in March when we release our new album Struck By Lightning to buy it.

Who was the hero of your childhood?
KISS in general, Gene Simmons in particular. Ace too … I like all of them.

What is the most embarrassing/surprising record in your CD-shelf?
I’m not embarrassed by my taste in music so I don’t think I have anything embarrassing. Surprising … might be Del Shannon who I like a lot! I’m also a Michael Jackson-fan. I like Testament and Howlin‘ Wolf. It’s a good mix.

What’s next? Tour? Studio? Vacation? Something completely different?
We will release our fourth album Struck By Lightning in march. The album was produced by Jona Tee. He’s probably mostly known as the keyboard player in H.E.A.T but he’s also a great producer! It’s also our first album with new singer Liv Hansson. Soon as the album is out we will be touring … so I hope to see you out there.

