Neues aus Schweden! Die Unterschriften auf den Nuclear Blast Verträgen sind noch nicht ganz trocken, und schon steht das Debütalbum von Follow the Cipher in den Plattenläden eures Vertrauens. Wir wollten euch die Band um Ken Kängström mal vorstellen.

Who is behind Follow the Cipher?
The band name was a Ken Kängström creation, but the band is Ken, Linda, Jonas, Viko and Karl.
If you had to put your music into a drawer and print a label on it, what would it say?
An album inside a drawer.

Forget about genres for a second – Follow the Cipher ’s music sounds like …?
Like a love child between a Michael Bay movie and some kick ass melodic metal.

Which sort of mood produces the best Songs?
Very mixed different moods create different kinds of songs.

Which instrument will surely NEVER be heard on a Follow the Cipher -album?
There’s no limit to what we can use.

Which record would you want to listen to when you leave the bathroom in the morning, while the beautiful girl from last night is still in your bed?
Are you talking about my cat Luna?
Linda’s answer: Red White Crue (Mötley Crüe)

The Fairy-Godmother pops up in front of you and grants you a wish. What do you wish for?
Peace and love!

No alcohol is no solution either. What booze combination will definitely dissolve all your troubles and issues?
Cyanide and mustard …

What shows you that someone is a true friend?
He has the mustard.

Who was the hero of your childhood?
The dad with the guy with the mustard.

What is the most embarrassing/surprising record in your CD-shelf?
Smurf hits volume 2 but we loved it.

What’s next? Tour? Studio? Vacation? Something completely different?
We will release our album this spring on Nuclear Blast records and then we will play some festivals and hopefully do a tour later this year.

