Diese Woche wollen wir euch das Trio The Gems vorstellen. Die Mädels geben ihrem Debütalbum Phoenix noch den letzten Schliff, bevor die LP dann im Januar 2024 veröffentlicht wird. Die bereits veröffentlichten Tracks „Send me to the wolfs“ oder „Like a Phoenix“ klingen sehr vielversprechend. Schlagzeugerin Emlee hat unsere neugierigen Fragen beantwortet.

Who is behind The Gems?
We are all former members of Thundermother: Guernica Mancini, Emlee Johansson and Mona Lindgren. We formed The Gems right after we realized that we could no longer be a part of Thundermother. We all have a very strong bond together, both as friends and as band colleagues and there was no doubt that we wanted to continue playing together. We were a big part in the songwriting in Thundermother so The Gems are not far away from that musically, but now with songs and sounds that are more true to ourselves! Classic Rock with a modern twist, just like we want it :)

Forget about genres for a second – The Gems’s music sounds like …?
New, fresh and modern, with inspiration from bands like Van Halen, Queen, Kiss and Led Zeppelin amongst many other classic rock bands from the 70’s and 80’s.

Which sort of mood produces the best songs?
For our upcoming album it has definitely been a lot of anger and sorrow. But we always want to add a positive and empowering vibe to everything. There’s no point in giving up, or to not believe in yourself and your dreams. We have had an emotional rollercoaster this year, leaving a band that we’ve put so much effort and passion into – start something new and to really come back stronger than ever.

Which person, artist or incident inspired you when you first started making music?
For me, Iron Maiden and Van Halen were really big inspirations when I started to make music, also a Swedish rap artist called Markoolio, haha. I listened to him a lot when I was a kid and started to write my first songs for him.

The Fairy-Godmother pops up in front of you and grants you a wish. What do you wish for?
Huge success for our album release in January, that would mean the world and would really open up for our future in this band!

No alcohol is no solution either. What booze combination will definitely dissolve all your troubles and issues?
I really love any kind of bubbles, champagne, prosecco or cava. And it works really good to mix with peach juice or elderflower liqueur.

Who was the hero of your childhood?
Actually one of my dad’s friends who is a really good guitar player. He introduced Eddie Van Halen to me and the rest is history, haha. No, but he really tought me a lot about how to play guitar and write good riffs. I was a guitar player from the beginning, I started to play drums when I was 19 years old. As a drummer, Danne McKenzie (Satan takes a holiday) has always had a big place in my heart. He is not just a great drummer, he is also a very good person – he gave me a chance when I was a nobody and I will never forget that.

What is the most embarrassing/surprising record in your CD-shelf?
I guess that would be all choir music, haha. I have some records with a Swedish a capella band called The Real Group. I grew up with parents singing in a choir so that has always been a big part of my music life.

What’s next? Tour? Studio? Vacation? Something completely different?
Right now, we are just putting all focus into our album release. Phoenix will be out 26th of January (Guernica’s birthday!) and we can’t wait to share this album with the world!

