Jonas Lorentzen ist dem ein oder anderem von euch vielleicht bereits ein Begriff. Im Kinofilm The Northman spielte er Eysstein, außerdem war er bis 2019 Teil der Band Heilung. Nun wollen wir euch sein neuestes Projekt Nebala vorstellen. Jonas hat sich unseren Fragen gestellt.
Who is behind Nebala?
Nebala was founded by me, Jonas Lorentzen, but many have given their energy to this project. I wrote the first couple of songs together with Sebastian Gainsborough, we met through the movie The Northman where Sebastian was one of the two chief composers.
The whole album was done together with Kjell Braaten who produced and mixed the album as well as arranged and added beautiful instruments to the music. Honourable mentions would be Josh Rood (Nexion), Espen Winther (Eldrim), Gustav Holberg (Astral Seid) and Runahild.
And now of course Nebala is a live band chiefly orchestrated by Kjell, Rob Van Barschot (percussion) and me. Kjell and Rob are now part of Nebala fully in all aspects almost. This wouldn’t be possible at all without them.
Forget about genres for a second – Nebala’s music sounds like …?
The void of magical potential, the machine room of reality. Haha, awesome questions.
Which sort of mood produces the best songs?
A mood of presence and awareness.
Which person, artist or incident inspired you when you first started making music?
Oh sooo many, David Bowie, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Metallica, I mean, the list goes on.
The Fairy-Godmother pops up in front of you and grants you a wish. What do you wish for?
Lokah Samastha Sukinho Bhanvanthu – May all beings be happy and free.
No alcohol is no solution either. What booze combination will definitely dissolve all your troubles and issues?
I’m not a big fan of alcohol anymore. I like a good glass of natural wine or some awesome spontaneously fermented sour beer. But alcohol is no solution, it’s a good tool sometimes, like all drugs in a way, but Alan Watts said famously about drugs that, it’s like listening to an answering machine, once you’ve got the message, you hang up the phone.
Who was the hero of your childhood?
Eddie Murphy and the Samurais of Kurosawa’s epic movie’ The Seven Samurais.
What is the most embarrassing/surprising record on your CD-shelf?
Maybe Eagles, Hotel California.
What’s next? Tour? Studio? Vacation? Something completely different?
We’ve got some great shows coming up in August and September and after that we’re gonna get going with album number 2. We’re super excited.