Wenn man nahe am Polarkreis wohnt und das halbe Jahr von Düsternis und Kälte umgeben ist, dann ist genau eine Metal-Stilrichtung dafür perfekt geeignet: Doom. Moloken aus dem nordschwedischen Umeå betreiben exakt dies in Perfektion.
Die Band wurde 2007 gegründet und nach einigen EPs und Demos gab es 2009 mit Our Astral Circle das erste Album, das die Underground-Szene im Sturm eroberte. Das 2011 erschienene Rural machte die Band über Schweden hinaus bekannt. Nach einer Weile fleißigen Tourens haben sich die vier Nordmänner jetzt wieder ins Studio begeben, um ein neues, noch düstereres Album aufzunehmen, das demnächst beim amerikanischen Label A389 erscheinen wird. Einen ersten Vorgeschmack gibt es bereits mit der online zur Verfügung gestellten Single Subliminal Hymns.
Who is behind Moloken?
Kristoffer Bäckström – Guitar and Vocals, Nicklas Bäckström – Bass and Vocals, Patrik Ylmefors – Guitars and Vocals, Jakob Burstedt – Drums
If you had to put your music into a drawer and print a label on it, what would it say?
Music that expands your senses
How would you describe the sound of Moloken to a deaf person?
Our music is like a well painted picture, where you can sense that all the elements like canvas, different paint and tools have worked together towards the same goal. It’s a rough, dark, intricate but also honest and beautiful painting.
Which sort of panic inspires the best songs?
For me it’s never when I am in an emotion, it’s rather afterwards when reflecting on what just happened, surrendering to here and now. Then the music comes to me.
Which instrument will surely NEVER be heard on a Moloken-album?
We never say never.
Which record would you want to listen to when you leave the bathroom in the morning, while the beautiful girl from last night is still in your bed?
Pink Floyd – Wish you where here
Which song would you be proud of, had you written it?
There are so many, but Placebo – Without you I am nothing is a masterpiece. Both musically and lyrically.
No alcohol is surely NOT the answer – after which combination of booze will all your problems have dissolved?
For me, the answer is no drugs since I don’t do them. I face my problems head on.
What shows you that someone is a true friend?
One who can bear the uncomfortable with you.
Who was the hero of your childhood?
Jim Carrey
Are we alone out there?
What’s next? Tour? Studio? Vacation? Something completely different?
We will finally release a new album in early 2015 via American label A389. The album is called All is left too see and part of a concept triology. We will try to tour as much as possible in both Europe and Scandinavia throughout the year.
Reinhören: Subliminal Hymns